About Us

Nyul Nyul Asset Management is an indigenous owned asset management company providing strategic consulting service. With decades of experience, we can mobilise the right people who have the right skills and experience to assist organisations improve their performance.

As privately owned company, NNAM is committed to excellence and creating innovative and flexible solutions for our clients. We provide the following:

Our Experience:

With decades of experience Our business can mobilize the right people, skills, and technologies to help organizations improve the performance of your assets. We share our passion by helping others. Our process is designed to empower your team and outfit them with the tools they need to succeed. Talk to us today about how we can support your growth, limit your turnover, and put you on a solid track to success and profit.

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At Nyul Nyul Asset Management, we believe that collaboration is key to success. We work closely with our clients to understand their challenges and goals and develop solutions that are tailored to their unique needs. Our approach is transparent, results-driven, and designed to help businesses thrive.


Robbie Bertram

Director - Operations

Robbie Bertram

Director - Operations

Robbie Bertram

Director - Operations

Our Vision

We see a future where we have greater participation with wider Indigenous groups who we will engage to teach and mentor, who then can support companies in their asset management goals.


Who are your Target key




What relationship does the target audience expect you to establish and maintain with them?

Which ones have we established? quality and trustworthy How costly are they? These will help build the foundation of the business to succeed How are they integrated with the rest of our business model? on building relationships and maintaining a quality outcome to ensure repeat business


Which groups of customers are you creating value for? What are our most important customers? Why? BHP ATM as I see more work coving through C-Res for engagement of our services What differentiates our customer segments? Every customer is at different level of Knowledge around Master Data/Work Management What opportunities are there to reach new customers segments?


What are the most important costs? Overheads, Setup, Sourcing Project/Packages of works and Contracted Labour Hire Which Key Resources are the most expensive? Depending on the scope of works


What key activities does your value proposition require?


What core value do you deliver to your audience? Build Master Data to the customers requirement, provide guidance/Coaching in Master Data/Work Management and Able to provide a whole asset health and management, to be financially efficient and reliable. What bundles of product/services are we offering to each customer segment?

What jobs are our customers trying to complete? Green field project and optimise current projects/assets What pains do they experience when trying to achieve their goals? Internal labour are limited in knowledge and best practice How does our product/service help them achieve their goals/relief pains? Maintain the data to a high quality therefore meets the customers needs and improve overall state


Through which channel does your audience want to be reached? Face to Face Meetings Email, Phone, Video Calls, Networking, 3 rd Party and Word of Mouth How are we reaching them now? Word of Mouth, Networking How are the channels integrated? Which ones work best? Calls, 3 rd Party, Networking Which ones are the most cost efficient? How are we integrating them with customer routines?


For what value are customers really willing to pay? $150 p/h or Per Project/Packages and Contracted Works For what do they currently pay?
How are they currently paying? Unsure, would like to establish a quick payment system
How much does each revenue stream contribute to the overall revenues?
I will continually investigate new revenue streams to minimise the impact of any individual aspect of the business having delays in engagement

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